Forman R, Lalzar M, Inbar M, Berman TS (2024). Molecular analysis of feces reveals gastrointestinal nematodes in reintroduced wild asses of the Negev desert. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 100980
Berman TS, Barnett-Itzhaki Z, Berman T, Marom E (2023). Antimicrobial resistance in food-producing animals: towards implementing a One Health based national action plan in Israel. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 12, 18
Berman TS*, Weinberg M*, Moreno KR, Czirják GA, Yovel Y (2023). In sickness and in health: The dynamics of the fruit bat gut microbiota under a bacterial antigen challenge and its association with the immune response. Frontiers in Immunology 14: 1152107. *Equal contribution
Berman TS, Izraeli Y, Lalzar M, Mozes-Daube N, Lepetit D, Tabic A, Varaldi J, Zchori-Fein E (2023). RNA viruses are prevalent and active tenants of the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis (Acari: Phytoseiidae). Microbial Ecology 86, 2060–2072
Berman TS and Inbar M (2023). Molecular identification of individual and seasonal variation in incidental ingestion of arthropods by free-ranging goats. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:1070088
Berman TS and Inbar M (2022). Revealing cryptic interactions between large mammalian herbivores and plant-dwelling arthropods via DNA metabarcoding. Ecology 103(1), e03548. Highlighted in the Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 103(1):1-4
Berman TS, Glasser TA, Inbar M (2019). Goats adjust their feeding behaviour to avoid the ingestion of different insect species. Canadian Journal of Zoology 97: 805–811
Berman TS, Messeri N, Glasser TA, Inbar M (2019). Innate ability of goats to sense and avoid ingestion of noxious insects while feeding. Royal Society Open Science 6:181078
Berman TS, Laviad-Shitrit S, Ofek-Lalzar M, Halpern M, Inbar M (2018). Cascading effects on bacterial communities: Cattle grazing causes a shift in the microbiome of a herbivorous caterpillar. ISME Journal 12:1952-1963
Berman TS, Ben-Ari M, Henkin Z, Inbar M (2018). Immediate and long-term facilitative effects of cattle grazing on a polyphagous caterpillar. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 261:45-53
Berman TS, Ben-Ari M, Glasser TA, Gish M, Inbar M (2017). How goats avoid ingesting noxious insects while feeding. Scientific Reports 7.1:14835. Selected as one of the top 100 read ecology papers for Scientific Reports in 2017
Berman TS, Ayali A, Gefen E (2013). Neural control of gas exchange patterns in insects: locust density-dependent phases as a test case. PLOS One 29;8(3):e59967
Pick E, Berman TS (2013). Formation of alternative proteasomes: Same lady, different cap? FEBS letters 1;587(5):389-93